Be Proud Of How Far You’ve Come.

So excited to start planning reopening the shop on the 13th. I’m going in next week to start re-displaying and setting up, I’ve even still got the Christmas decorations to take down.

While I’ve been sat planning the reopening it got me thinking. Sometimes I get frustrated. I want more than one shop, I want to employ a digital expert, I want to have people with me creating and making the jewellery, I want SoeL Beads to grow and I wanted to already have all these things in place.

It is so easy to look at all the wants, we are all guilty of this I think, but how often do we think of the what we already haves and what we’ve already achieved?

I was looking through my facebook feed and a post I wrote last year came up. It was when I was expanding my shop unit, the memories came flooding back and I remembered how excited I was, then I remembered how happy I am when I’m in my shop making jewellery, chatting to customers and other traders, I realise I have a great business and seeing as though I didn’t even think I would come out of hospital to open my shop at one point, I’ve actually come a long way and it’s an incredible achievement.

You can read my facebook post HERE and it might put some context to what I’m saying but what I’m trying to get across is that there is so much pressure put on us to be this, that and the other when in reality, we should all just take a moment now and then to focus on what we already have and who we have around us and just enjoy the moment.

Take care and thanks for reading,


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